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3 Oct, 2011
6 Sep, 2023

Ilkka Sirén om mat och dryck i Helsingfors

Vinbanken frågade Ilkka Sirén, ni vet killen som i vinkretsar på webben går under namnet "The Wine Guy" om tips på restauranger och barer i Helsingfors. Intervjun är på engelska som vi hoppas fungerar fint ändå.
Följ Ilkka på hans egen hemsida, Ilkka Sirén eller live, via den engelska versionen av, TheViiniTV.

We are always looking forward to read and see more about your travels on your blogg and for those who follow you on twitter, we read shorties. For now, Vinbanken just wants to ask you some questions where to go when on visit in Helsinki. So please, share your inside-tips with the Swedish winelover.

Where can we go for a nice breakfast. And please, do not tell us there is a law for not selling alcohol until 12.00, or is it?
Honestly I must admit that I have never eaten breakfast in a restaurant in Helsinki. So, I’m not sure. But if you’re into sunday brunches then I could recommend Salutorget. Decent food and the name is Swedish so you wont have trouble pronouncing it. And no, there is no alcohol law like that.

When to eat lunch I´d love to go to a nice place far away from meatballs, if you know what I mean. Which is your favourite lunch-place in town?
I would definitely go to Sushibar + Wine. Not only that the food is good but they have a good winelist. It’s easy, fun and delicious. If you’re not into sushi you could go to Grotesk. Great place for lunch, very good price for the quality and nice wines. But actually last time I had lunch there I ate meatballs but it was good.

In the afternoon, some of us want to hang around, in a nice Café, Pub or Bar where they serve nice wine of course. If there is free WiFi we are in heaven (latest combo if you ask us, and not as supposedly expected; wine and food). Where to go?
You should check out Ahjo Wine Bar. They pour some good Austrian wines and I think they have WiFi as well. There’s a nice hotel in the same building so if you’re looking for a place to stay that’s a great spot.

Dinner, here we want to test and enjoy the hottest(not only hot in taste) kitchen, topchef, restaurant in Helsinki. What is the right choice now?There’s a few options. For Asian vibes go to Gaijin. The chef is very talented and he is also a judge in the Finnish MasterChef show. If you’re in a mood for a bistro style evening check out Muru. Muru has a solid crew of some of the best dudes in the Finnish food & wine scene. If you feel like having something organic and “fresh” you should check out Chef & Sommelier. The chef is a true green thumb and a great chef.

All these places are quite new in the restaurant scene here in Helsinki but they are definitely worth a visit if you’re looking for good food, delicious wines and great people.

What about Clubs, here I guess you have to give us two choices. Pre and après 50 years of age, where do you recommend us to go?
I usually don’t go to clubs. I find them slightly boring. But there is quite a few of them if you’re into shaking your booty. We Got Beef is quite good for booty shakin’. For drinking beer Bar Llamas is fun and is usually packed.

Följ Ilkka på hans egen hemsida, Ilkka Sirén eller på den engelska versionen,TheViiniTV.