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25 Apr, 2009
6 Sep, 2023

Australiensiska viners ursprungsbeteckning

Om ursprunget är en zon, region eller en sub-region står angivet på vinetiketten, man vad betyder det och vad är skillnaden? Här följer fakta från säker källa och månadens partner, Wine Australia.

Info från Wine Australias hemsida angående ursprungsbeteckningar:
 A zone is an area of land, without any particular qualifying attributes.

 A region must be a single tract of land, comprising at least five independently
owned wine grape vineyards of at least five hectares each and usually produce five hundred tonnes of wine grapes in a year. A region is required to be measurably discrete from adjoining regions and have measurable homogeneity in grape growing attributes over its area.

A sub-region also must be a single tract of land, comprising at least five independently owned wine grape vineyards of at least five hectares each and usually produce five hundred tonnes of wine grapes in a year. However, a sub-region is required to be substantially discrete within the region and have substantial homogeneity in grape growing attributes over the area.
An application for a sub-region cannot be considered until the region of which it is part has been entered into the Register of Protected Names.