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21 Sep, 2010
6 Sep, 2023

Österrikes viner når nya exportframgångar

Pressmeddelandet är på engelska men jag hoppas att det ska fungera fint. Det lilla vinlandet Österrike är verkligen på gång med viner av nya årgångar och nytillkomna producenter vilka hela tiden verkar överträffa varandra. Prisnivån kryper upp såklart och i jämförelse till många andra länder men då smaken på vinerna håller jämna steg i koncentration verkar gnäll om prisvärdhet a la budgetklass lätt onödigt tyckande. Jag kan förstå exportframgångarna då bra viner alltid hittar en uppskattande vinkonsument.

Austrian wine exports developed significantly during the first half of this year despite the difficult global economic climate. Figures for this period, released recently by Statistik Austria, show a remarkable export value increase of 10% even though there was a 3.3% decrease in volume - reflecting that more high-quality wine had been sent abroad in this period compared to the same period in 2009. The average price per liter during the first half of 2009 was €1.68; the average price per liter during the first half of 2010 was € 1.91. Overall, 32.7 million liters of wine with a total value of € 62.5 million were exported from January through June of this year. The share of bottled wine exports rose from 86% to nearly 90%.

"We've achieved the highest average price ever," said Willi Klinger, general manager of the Austrian Wine Marketing Board. “And this brings us even closer to the goal we had set in 2007 – to reach an average export price of € 2 per liter.“

Also for the first half of 2010, Austrian wine was particularly successful in its most important export market, Germany, which reflected a 10% increase in value and a 2% increase in volume. Exports to Switzerland (including Liechtenstein) experienced a slight decrease, average prices nevertheless remained high. And a very positive development took place in the USA and the UK, where, after a difficult 2009, increases were made once again. The Netherlands, which has been showing strong export revenue gains since 2000, continued to demonstrate its ever-growing importance. Wine exports to the Scandinavian countries developed positively as well, and average price increases were recorded.