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6 Nov, 2011
6 Sep, 2023

Skörden i Tyskland 2011

Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Tyska vininstitutet kan alla vänner av tyska viner se fram emot en bra årgång 2011. Volymer är goda från alla vinområden. Vinbanken noterar att Saale-Unstrut rycker fram och inte längre tillhör regionerna med de minsta skördarna. Spännande är det ju minst sagt och för mig som för många andra, ett distrikt kvar att upptäcka.

18 October 2011
Wine lovers can expect great 2011 vintage German wine producers are looking forward to a very good
2011 vintage which will be available in sufficient quantity in nearly all of the growing regions.

The German Wine Institute (DWI) announced that the total amount harvested, according to the latest estimates, is expected to be about nine million hectolitres. Nationwide, this year’s yield is therefore around the
average level of the past ten years and 30 percent above the exceptionally low – 7.1 million hectolitres – yield of the previous year. Only in Franken and Württemberg, where the frost in May caused heavy losses, the yield will be similarly low as in 2010. According to the DWI managing director, Monika Reule, the
vintage on the whole reflects the current market developments very well: „The vintners’ cellars were quite empty after the relatively small wine harvest of 2010, and the demand could not be satisfied to the full extent in all cases. We are confident to regain market share lost in the previous year with the 2011 vintage as this will have a very good ratio of price to wine quality.“

This is also indicated by the current Europe-wide harvest estimates which anticipate a slightly below-average harvest of wine must of about 164 million hectolitres. The yield would be on the same level as last year and about five percent below the five-year average. Especially Italy, Germany’s most important wine import country, is expecting a harvest decrease of 15 percent which would contribute to easing the pressure in the
domestic market, said Reule.

„In view of the good harvest amount and supply situation, regarded nationwide, the wine sector expects largely stable wine prices for the 2011 vintage,“ Norbert Weber, President of the German Winegrowers’ Association (Deutscher Weinbauverband) stated.

„In terms of quality, the 2011 vintage leaves nothing to be desired“, Weber was pleased to announce. „Thanks to the textbook autumn a large part of the harvest has reached predicate wine level. Wine lovers will get a lot of 2011 wine for their money and have a great choice in all quality levels“, said the President of the Winegrowers’ Association. As regards the aroma, the young white wines already present themselves extremely fruity, harmonious and well balanced. Their aromas are characterised by the full maturity of the vintage. Consumers can also look forward to colour-intensive and dense red wines. In addition, the magnificent late summer has produced particularly good noble sweet specialities. Many vintners are also hoping to harvest ice wine this year. „This great 2011 vintage will not only attract significant national, but also international attention“, the DWI-head Monika Reule, said confidently.

Predicted wine harvest must yield for 2011 in the German growing regions Growing region Harvest estimate
2011 in hl. Difference to 10-year average, difference to 2010

Ahr 47,000 18 % 38 %
Baden 1,350,000 8 % 27 %
Franken 360,000 - 21 % 2 %
Hess. Bergstraße 34,000 6 % 79 %
Mittelrhein 43,000 34 % 87 %
Mosel 987,000 12 % 43 %
Nahe 395,000 16 % 45 %
Pfalz 2,100,000 - 6 % 30 %
Rheingau 258,000 8 % 69 %
Rheinhessen 2,700,000 6 % 36 %
Saale-Unstrut 48,000 30 % 50 %
Sachsen 24,000 33 % 100 %
Württemberg 800,000 - 30 % 0 %
Germany 9,146,000 - 1 % 30 %

(as of 14 Oct 2011)