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6 Oct, 2010
6 Sep, 2023

Tidig skörderapport från Portugal

Nu pågår skörden för fullt i Portugal. Om det fina vädret håller i sig ser det ut att bli en bra årgång.

Man uppskattar volymen till ca 6.347.000 hektoliter, viket är 13% mer än förra året. Det är framförallt de norra regionerna som ökar sin kvantitet.

Alvaro Castro på Quinta de Saes i Dão spår att om vädret håller i sig så blir 2010 års viner bättre än 2009, i klass med 2008.
Även Filipa Pato, i Bairrada är nöjd med årets skörd, särskilt de vita vinerna som redan är i vinifikation och visar på rika aromer med mycket god syra.

Surfar man runt på nätet för att leta efter årgångstabeller och ratings över portugisiska årgångar är det svårt att hitta något annat än tabeller för Portvinerna. I Douro anses årgång 2007, 2003 samt 2000 vara mycket bra, till enastående för 07 samt 00.

En mycket bra sammanställning för 2008 hittar ni från Wine Spectator, skribenten har trevligt nog inkluderat "Portugal".

Utsikter för varje område: Pressmeddelande från Vini Portugal

For immediate release_____________________________________________________________September, 2010

Harvest 2010 - Portugal

The weather conditions in this campaign were characterized by high and constant precipitation levels during the vegetative development of the vineyards that contributed to good plants development. The summer had high temperatures and low rainfall especially during the months of July and August, which in some regions and in some grape varieties contributed to the appearance of some sunburn problems, water stress and some maturations stoppings.
However the winemakers consulted by ViniPortugal are confident on the forecast 2010 either in quantity or quality.
There is an expected wine production increase of 13%. The main region that has the highest level is Tejo Region with an increase of 15% when compared with 2009. The highest losses are in Azores with 30% of decrease followed by Peninsula de Setubal with losses of around 16% when compared to 2009.
Regarding quality, the perspectives aim at a good quality year with white wines characterized by freshness and balance with good acidity and red wines with good colour and aromatic expression, if the weather conditions remain stable until the end of the harvest.

Production FORECAST - 2010/2011
August forecast 2010(1.000 hl)

Region Harvest 2009-2010 Average last 5 years Harvest Forecast 2010-2011
Volume Volume forecast Vs % 2009/2010 % average last 5 years
Minho:  867 835 940 + 8% +11%
Trás-os-Montes:  111 160 115 + 3% - 28%
Douro:  1329 1520 1501 +13% - 1%
Beiras:  788 974 882 + 12% - 9%
- Dão 294 353 326 + 11% - 8%
- Bairrada 238 317 270 + 13% - 15%
- Beira Interior 189 277 216 + 14% - 22%
- Restantes Regiões 68 93 71 +4% - 24%
Tejo:  546 611 628 + 15% + 3%
Lisboa: 961 1064 1023 + 7% - 4%
Península de Setúbal:  378 380 317 - 16% - 17%
Alentejo:  806 838 871 +8% + 4%
Algarve:  22 27 20 - 12% - 26%
Madeira:  45 45 40 - 11% - 11%
Azores:  14 11 10 - 30% - 9%
Total:  5.868 6.464 6.347 + 13% - 2%

Source: IVV (CVR’s, IVDP, IP, IVBAM (Madeira); DRACA (Açores), and other associations of the cluster

Winemakers quotes by region:

Vinho Verde
Antonio Luis Cerdeira – CVRVV/Quinta de Soalheiro

“At this time when the harvest is still in the beginning, the prospects in terms of quantity / quality are very good. I predict a year very similar to 2009 with a slight production increase, more pronounced in the new vines. High temperatures combined with almost none precipitation during the month of July and August have helped to shape the balance between acids and sugars in the grapes, since despite the decrease in acidity there was a corresponding increase in sugar concentration, contributing for a better balance in the wines of the region. "

Filipa Pato – Filipa Pato Wines

“The 2009 white’s harvest will be remarkable, most of the production is already in the winery and show us a rich aromatic expression with an excellent acidity level. This year the main red grape variety from this region “Baga” has a yield higher than the average which forced us to reduce part of the production in order to maintain the quality in the level that we want to.
The quality will now depend on the weather for the next three weeks.”

Tiago Alves de Sousa – Alves de Sousa

After a sequence of untypical years (2007, 2008, 2009) in 2010 normality returned to the Douro: rains concentrated mainly in the winter period, a mild spring and a very hot summer. It was certainly a year when there was the need to pay particular attention to plant health, with some incidence of mildew, but with a strategy of preventive treatments, it has been controlled. In terms of production, quantities are above the very low values that we had last years, although not excessively so - there is a very good balance between vegetative structure that resulted from robust soil water reserves accumulated during the winter and production. Even at this late stage of maturation, the leaves are still green and quite active, allowing a soft smooth maturation without abrupt changes. Everything indicates (and the first harvested grapes are an example) that will result in very balanced musts, with good preservation of varietal aromas and acidity. The harvest strategy will be the key to achieve the best results. Having a longer cycle than the last three years, we must have patience (not always easy in times of harvest) and wait for the weather to allow a good phenolic maturation. Hopefully the return of the Douro typical conditions is toasted with calm harvest especially without rain thus promoting the conditions for one more beautiful Douro year.

Álvaro de Castro – Quinta da Pellada/ Quinta de Saes
If it doesn´t rain too much in the next few weeks we will have a good harvest year, better than 2009 and similar to 2008.
Weather conditions that occurred in the Dão Region throughout the vine development caused some water stress problems, especially in young vineyards, however the producers that were able to implement good procedures to avoid this kind of problems are going to have a very good harvest.
The whites already in the winery are having a good development, they are balanced with good acidity level and that’s why I’m very confident about the outcome.

João Corrêa – Companhia das Quintas

The campaign in Lisbon region was marked by a high rainfall which provided water reserves in the soil for a long time. The ones that failed in a good vineyard protection on the against mildew problems, suffered and had a decrease in the production. However the expected amount is high because of the evaluation that was made on the beginning of the vineyard cycle.
In July and August we had very high temperatures that caused some sunburn problems in the grapes especially in the more exposed to the sun and in the vineyards with less vegetative vigor and less foliage, therefore a further decrease in production.
This harvest, I predict slightly higher amount than last year, reaching the maturity a week later than last year, healthy grapes but with some irregularity that will need an extra attention and selection at the entrance on the winery.
If the harvest remains smoothly and without unpleasant weather surprises I have positive expectations about the good quality wines that we can get in Lisbon Region.

Rui Reguinga – Casa Cadaval
Considering the weather, 2010 presented us lots of rain followed by high temperatures summer resulting in delayed maturation especially in red grapes, with the harvest taking place one week later than 2009. The grapes are great without sanitary problem but the white grape had some sunburn problems because of the high temperatures which have surfaced.
The white wines have good fruit and freshness, the reds are well structured, with plenty of fruit, and alcohol levels around 13.5 to 14%. It is too early to assess quality but I think it will be an average quality year. Regarding the amount we anticipate a production increase of about 15% from the average of the region.

Península de Setúbal
Jaime Quendera – Adega Cooperativa de Pegões/ Casa Ermelinda Freitas

The 2010 harvest is expected to be similar or slightly higher than the 2009 amount.
There were constant rains until the end of May (which was very positive to the plant for good vegetation growth) and then we had a summer with very hot days with temperatures over 40 degrees, which delayed the maturation because of the stop of photosynthesis. There was slight damage caused by mildew, but didn’t affect production, on the other hand the sunburn of the grapes in July /August damaged in some areas more than 40% and in general affect 20% of the production.
The white grapes are mostly harvested, they have good freshness but a medium acidity balanced maturation, the wines are coming excellent, 2010 is one of the best years of white wine I've ever done, especially the Muscatel and Fernão Pires
As for the reds we are beginning the harvest and if the weather remains stable, will certainly be a very good year for reds.

Paulo Laureano – Paulo Laureano Vinus
Certainly this summer after a growing season marked by an above-normal rainfall pushed the harvest later than the forecast with slower maturation and with all the consequences that an excessively hot summer may bring. I do not believe in an exceptional year, but is not going to be a disaster. At the same time I think that those who know clearly their terroir and the behavior of its grape varieties have clearly an advantage to reduce some of the more adverse effects. The pick of the right grape varieties, adapted to the region conditions, with flavors and aromas and a unique knowledge gained from experience, are essential this year to continue to draw nectars of pleasure in the vast Alentejo land.

Rui Virgínia – Quinta do Barranco
In quantity 2010 production will be identical do the previous year .The sanitary conditions of the grapes are excellent . The weather conditions were very hard in terms of rainfalls and we had to assure the rights treatments to guarantee an effective protection of the production. The extreme heat in July and August delayed the maturation process putting us two weeks overdue
This is going to be a good year.