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28 Sep, 2010
6 Sep, 2023

Vinskörden i Italien 2010

Här kommer pressmeddelandet om den Italienska vinskörden 2010. Texten är på engelska.

ISMEA – Unione Italiana Vini (Italian Wine Union)
Expected little more than 45 million hectoliters, -1% in 2009. The quality looks good.
If the northern regions are expected to increase substantially, in central Italy the situation will range from stable situations and mild downturns. In the South, however, there is a significant economic recovery, with the exception of the largest islands in heavy loss.
just over 45 million hectoliters: this is the quantity expected by ISMEA and Unione Italiana Vini (Italian Wine Union) for the 2010 harvest that is still currently ongoing. Caution used in the first production estimates of July seems to be more than appropriate. Survey conducted jointly by the vineyards at the beginning of September, confirms in fact, that this year's campaign could be in line with that of 2009 or even slightly less (-1%). Data show for the fifth consecutive year the Italian volumes well below the threshold of 50 million hectoliters.
If the northern regions are expected to increase substantially, in the center of the Country we’ll witness a range from stable situations to a slight decline. In the South, however, starting from Abruzzo and Puglia there is a significant economic recovery after bending last year, without returning to the volumes recorded in the three years preceding the entry into force of the new CMO. Particularly important, however, the losses in the islands.
The quality on the whole has done well but, as usual, much will depend on the last 20-25 days before harvest, which will be crucial in hot weather, but not wet, with high daytime temperatures and cooler conditions at night, to slow the retro gradation of the acid component.

The survey was conducted on the basis of monitoring the "Italian wine" made from the network detection ISMEA and over 500 member companies of UIV spread throughout the national territory, and it was prepared with a continuous and accurate detection method.
This year to increase the uncertainty on the outcome of the campaign barely begun, there is also to compute the variable related to the effect of “green harvest”, activated for the first time, that, in fact, has removed material from the production cycle. To further contain the productions are also occurring with the premium clearing. In 2010 applications were received for 10,741 hectares, that are additional to preceding ones, up to a total amount of 11,571 hectares last year. Emblematic is the case of Sicily which has the added effect of green harvesting and grubbing a physiological decline in production, bringing to estimate a loss compared to last around 20%. With the start of harvesting operations, in addition, some problems occurred in Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Puglia while there have been broadly confirmed the increases expected in early summer.
It also confirms the return of the "vineyard Italy" to a “normal” timetable after the strong advances in 2009. The long winter, as well as persistent rain, in fact, was characterized by cold and slowed down vegetative growth, so that almost all the phonological stages slipped forwards over the last year.


Piemonte (+6%)
The 2010 may be remembered as one of the most contradictory years. After a particularly long and hard winter, spring has suffered to its final stage. The last part of June and July brought an intense heat; during the month of August days of rain helped to cool the climate at mid-month, while the final part was returning to the intense heat with a high humidity. The consequence of this continuous alternation atmosphere was a delay of about fifteen days in a vegetative state if compared to 2009, but if compared to previous years, was anyway marked by important advances on calendars considered normal. Veraison started slowly and in a scalar way. Bu in the end, thanks to the rains of early August, alternating with sunny weather, it gradually completed its cycle. The abnormal climate has taken a high level of attention of producers, but despite this, pathogens, including powdery mildew and downy mildew, which directly struck at an early stage the clusters, have not spared the vineyards. The problems however were limited and not likely to affect the quantity and quality. Noticeable was also a resurgence of golden flavescence after a few years when the infection seemed under control. In general, the vineyard in Piemonte showed a good load of grapes and even needed thinning, a practice also implemented at times in the region to have a more balanced supply / demand, preferable than to get higher quality. On the whole this harvest has a good grading.

Valle d'Aosta (+10%)
Rated a strong economic recovery. The different phenological stages, in a week late on last year, have followed up on a regular fruit setting but it was not optimal for all varieties. Even if in some areas the attacks of pathogens have been above average, a good product quality is expected.

Lombardia (+5%)
There has been a growth in the production of this region, where the season is late compared to last year about 10 days. Franciacorta sparkling vintage of the bases began in the second half of August, while in Oltrepò Pavese was ending right at the beginning of September, and at the same time the beginning of the Riesling. From mid-month, however, begun the harvest of Moscato vines. In both areas the acidity of the grapes was good. The quality is marked by excellent to good everywhere, although the climate will be crucial for the month of September because of the delay of the year. There have been problems in Franciacorta because of botrytis and powdery mildew and some hail in Valcalepio and Franciacorta too in early August affected a bit the yields. As for Oltrepò there have not been found, however, particular problems both from a climatic point of view and from plant health. The increase in production in the region is mainly related to the positive performance recorded in Oltrepò Pavese.

Veneto (+3%)
Veneto was expected to produce a more abundant harvest than last year. After a particularly harsh winter and a wet spring that had assumed a year in line with the above, the heat of June has given a true force to the vineyards assuring a harvest in excellent general condition. If confirmed, the current forecast production estimate will be around 8.5 million hectoliters. The increase, with minor percentage differences, affects all major distribution areas. The positive trend of production was not affected either by sporadic attacks of downy mildew on grapes masked, or the more significant presence of powdery mildew in areas historically subject in Western Veneto. Witnessed a relative magnitude of the damage caused by attacks of botrytis, recorded on Pinot Gris and Chardonnay. Finally, the low incidence of sporadic hailstorms, however limited, that affected Doc Vicenza and Verona. The estimates on the amount of red grape varieties are quite normal, but with a slight decrease in yield; as for white grape varieties, they are expected to be more abundant with slight increase: the alcohol content is generally expected to be normal. Good acidity component in all cases.

Trentino Alto Adige (+5%)
Good results in Trentino Alto Adige in terms of quantity and quality in both provinces. For all vineyards, the calculated vegetation delay having been around 7 / 10 days, the harvest occurred in excellent condition with growers who have performed in general all interventions aiming at maximizing the green vegetative-productive vine. Water reserves accumulated in winter and spring led to better withstand the particularly dry summer, and on the other hand, have averted the attack of pathogens. Powdery mildew in Trentino only manifested itself in more aggressive ways than usual, but was kept under control. The strong disturbance of August led to foresee the onset of mold and rot, but the concern was immediately returned thanks to the sunny days that have characterized the second half of the month. By early September and the end of the scorching heat has returned to a climate optimum, with temperature variations between day and night which allowed the grapes to develop the ideal balance between acidity and sugar level.

Friuli Venezia Giulia (+5%)
The timing of vegetation has resulted in average with the last five years, but delayed by about a week if compared to 2009. The increase could be larger if the weather had not caused a problem throughout the season. Expulsion, flowering and fruit set were good, although in the months between December and early 2010 some areas of mid-Friuli, have suffered from frosts. Between spring and summer also there have been some hail hit patchy. Some attacks of downy mildew and botrytis affected varieties, especially the tight cluster ones, and in particular certain clones of Pinot Grigio and White, Chardonnay and Sauvignon. From a quantitative point of view forecasts indicate an output of about 5% higher than last year, though not uniform across the region. The quality is very good at waiting for white grapes, but just good to be assessed in mid-September for the red, ripening late.

Liguria (-3%)
In contrast with the rest of Northern Italy. The development of life started with a delay of about a week compared to 2009, and summer has not been able to cancel this gap. On the plant there was alarm at the appearance of mildew, also effectively controlled. Gradation may be higher than last year if September is going to be warmer than last year.

Emilia Romagna (-5%)
In July even the latest estimates for the Emilia Romagna region were below expectations. The production trend, already compromised by some hail in June which had affected the lush vegetative growth recorded until the spring, was reduced because of the choices of wine-breeders, who decided for the thinning of bunches. Some hailing events at the beginning of September have also caused some damage along the coast up to inland areas of Emilia Romagna. Added to this, the effect of premium clearing. In the last campaign, in fact, was actually granted to over 700 hectares, which added to the previous 1,500, led to a depletion of more than 2,200 hectares of regional vineyard. The slight decline in production is homogeneous both in Emilia and Romagna. In the latter area, however, there were significant differences depending on the variety. Ancellotta for example, estimated a loss of about 30%, mainly due to summer drought. Now, however, adds +20% of Sorbara. The region is vigilant against botrytis. Nonetheless optimistic expectations remain regarding quality, though very dependently on the climate course of the next few weeks.

Tuscany (-3%)
The summer was slightly filed down to initial estimates of July. There have been repeated adverse weather events, including high intensity ones, with great presence of rain and hail, although patchy. Vegetative growth was maintained with a delay that, according to region, is calculated between 7 and 15 days. Much of the decline is attributable to the Sangiovese, and minimally problematic is the situation of whites. From the point of view of plant downy mildew, attacks were reported slightly above average for the period, due to excessive rainfalls, especially in the months of May and June, making it difficult in some cases the implementation of phytosanitary treatments. Overall, however, no particular problems and the expected quality is good.

Marche (+5%)
The delay of ten days of the vegetative state of the vineyard, caused by a spring climate, has influenced the beginning of the harvest campaign, with the exception of Chardonnay, which was started in the second week of September. The ripening was good, with great tips, and the final stage of maturation seems best thanks to a good state of health of the vineyard and careful control of pathogens. Water reserves accumulated in the soil during the spring and partly in the summer, have helped meet the needs. The hail has appeared in various parts of the region, however damage was not serious. The increase in 2010, however, recovers only some of last year’s losses and keeps production in the region well below the average of the last five years. This effect caused the reduction in area planted to root out, dropouts and green harvest. The quality of the grapes, thanks to the excellent state of health of the vineyard that has distinguished the different phenological stages, is expected excellent for white and good for red wine.

Umbria (-2%)
A complicated season the one of Umbrian wine breeders: wine production should get slightly lower than last year. After an exceptionally hard winter that lasted until late spring, the following two months were characterized by frequent and intense rainfall. These conditions have given as a result a significant delay in the vegetative growth of vines, valued in the order of two weeks, and an outstanding work for the control of plant diseases, downy mildew in the first place. To contain the productions were also adhesions to “green harvest”, although less than expected.

Lazio (=)
After a very rainy winter and spring, which affected flowering and fruit set, making it difficult, it was a nice weather expected by growers for the months of July and August. The bunches of grapes, rather scanty, have continued to develop as best as they could, reducing the delay in maturation of two to one week. The problems due to mildew, which had heavily influenced the vegetative stage, were mitigated by the hot and dry weather conditions, which have been of particular impact on mildew. The temperature difference between night and day recorded during the nice weather period bodes well for the development of aromas of grapes and wines. The grape varieties, generally the late ones, are feared to suffer from drought due to the almost total absence of rainfall over the past sixty days. But all in all so far the grapes appear to have a good quality, with an accompanying sugar average. We expect a production in line with last year’s, but stressing a decrease from the average of the last two years due to their clearing away nearly in 5% of production potential.

Abruzzo (+10%)
A recovery in production is expected if compared to the low 2009 production, that still leaves volumes well below the average of the last five years. In this regard please note that in the last two years the successful applications for premium removal covered 1900 acres, 6% of the area under vines. In July and August there have been some very localized hail in the coastal areas that have produced significant damage to the few vineyards affected. In general, however, weather factors have not affected beyond measure phenological progress of the vineyard that has anyway produced a good ripening of the grapes and an excellent final stage of maturation, uniform for many different varieties. The state of health of the vineyard is in excellent condition because of the limited outbreaks of powdery mildew, and was being controlled with well-timed, preventive actions. The 2010 harvest began with 10 days of delay accumulated during vegetative growth, seen the good results of Chardonnay both qualitatively and quantitatively. Good expectations for the late varieties. The strength of the grapes is expected to range about the same values recorded in 2009.

Molise (+10%)
The vineyard is in good condition. The slight delay expected in the previous vegetation survey was exceeded thanks to a dry climate that has also prevented attacks of downy mildew and powdery mildew. In some limited areas, because of the humidity at night, there was a case of botrytis, but quickly recovered. To be recorded: at the beginning of August a major hailstorm in the central belt of low Molise has brought significant damage. Since the end of August harvesting vinification of Pinot Blanc grapes has started, grapes look healthier and of a better quality compared to the previous year. The sugar level is higher than last year’s.

Campania (+5%)
The vegetation is delayed approximately 10 days compared to last year, but remaining in the average of the period. Expulsion, flowering and fruit set were good. Production is expected slightly increasing, due to good performance of white varieties of Benevento. In contrast, there was a slight decrease in Irpinia, where there have been some hail and downy mildew attacks especially for white wines, while with the reds, the decline should be balanced by the larger production of new plants. The quality, if good weather conditions continue to exist, is considered better than last year.

Puglia (+10%)
Good recovery on the production of Puglia last year, which is the result of better vegetative growth that could give even higher had it not intervened membership rather important premium grubbing. In terms of percentage, changes are highest in Salento. This year's season was characterized by a rather extended delay, partly recovered by the summer heat that did not favor the attack of cryptogams. As usual, the harvest began with Muscat and Chardonnay, which was followed by cuts in the Sangiovese Ciliegiolo, Merlot, Primitivo in both northern areas and in southern-central regions. The expected quality is excellent.

Basilicata (-3%)
The summer has changed the sign to July’s estimates. Winter, in fact, led hope in a recovery in production only thanks to good accumulated water reserves. But during the summer, botrytis and downy mildew attacks, together with some strong hailstorms in sensitive areas and excessive heat, have created some damage especially in the province of Potenza.

Calabria (+20%)
There has been a decisive progress in the production, despite the adhesion of growers to “green harvest”. The vineyards’ health appeared excellent at all phenological stages. The seasonal pattern was delayed a week, but expulsion, flowering and fruit set, however, are considered excellent. Mild attacks of downy mildew and powdery mildew in some areas, were well controlled anyway. The summer heat may have had a positive effect on grades.

Sicily (-22%)
Rather substantial the decline in production. In the height of harvest operations, in fact, estimates amplify downwards the negative change already made in July. As mentioned, the causes of this result are to be sought in events that go to structurally affect the island’s vineyard, like permanent abandonment. Over the past two years, the vineyards in Sicily, thanks to the premium clearings, were depleted of more than 5,000 hectares, which translated into volumes could mean a loss of less than 400,000 hectoliters. This year also “green harvest” procedures helped to limit production even more. The application was accepted for more than 11,000 hectares, and this could potentially take away from the production cycle approximately one million tons of grapes. In addition, the weather pattern, especially in springtime, was not favorable. Flowering and fruit set, in fact, have been accompanied by temperatures lower than the seasonal average sirocco wind that hits particularly the western Sicily and the coast. This area is also concerned by a slight presence of powdery mildew and downy mildew. Even the extreme heat of August has had a negative impact, reducing the yield of grapes. In terms of percentage, changes are higher than expected in the provinces of Trapani, Palermo, Ragusa, while more limited, though important, appear to be those of Caltanissetta and Agrigento. Broadly in line with last year, however, Catania.

Sardegna (-16%)
The unusual spring weather pattern, characterized by intense and exceptional rains and the alternation of warm and humid weather, has led to attacks of pathogens, primarily downy mildew, which hit particularly Carignan, Monica, but also Cannonau Malvasia and Vermentino, and would have caused quite substantial damage if no action was taken promptly. The most affected areas were the Sulcis-Iglesias and Campidano. They only spared the vineyards controlled by wineries that have implemented massive and prolonged campaign of prevention. To this were added the strong winds that swept the island, even before the summer came. Generally the Sardinian grape harvest has had an average delay of a week, although in some areas it’s been done even earlier than the norm. The quality of the grapes unaffected by the disease is high and, therefore, there is a good expectation for both reds and whites. The best temperature for the months of July and August, with cool and windy nights, and the absence of sirocco, have very well counterbalanced the excessive heat, allowing the accumulation of aroma and color compared to last year; hopefully wines will result with intense and persistent aromaticity.

Italian production of wines and musts (000 hl)
2008 2009 2010* Var. 2010*/2009
Piemonte 2.480 2.858 3.020 6%
Valle d'Aosta 17,2 21,5 24 10%
Lombardia 1.250 1.277 1.340 5%
Trentino Alto Adige 1.140 1.254 1.320 5%
Veneto 8.119 8.174 8.400 3%
Friuli Venezia Giulia 1.014 752 790 5%
Liguria 71 83 80 -3%
Emilia Romagna 6.340 6.952 6.600 -5%
Tuscany 2.800 2.772 2.700 -3%
Umbria 843 987 970 -2%
Marche 871 782 820 5%
Lazio 1.797 1.527 1.527 0%
Abruzzo 3.054 2.652 2.920 10%
Molise 319 319 350 10%
Campania 1.768 1.830 1.930 5%
Puglia 6.949 5.920 6.510 10%
Basilicata 208 144 139 -3%
Calabria 445 392 470 20%
Siciliy 6.180 6.175 4.800 -22%
Sardegna 582 550 460 -16%
Italy 46.247 45.422 45.170 -1%
Source: Istat (data updated to June 2010);
* Estimate ISMEA / UIV 8 September 2010